LTG R.L. Esmay教育中心



新的LTG R. L. Esmay教育中心 facility supports the 怀俄明 Military Department’s position as a premier Joint Training Center with more than 78,000英亩的机动训练场和64平方英里的空域, all of which provides for combined arms training using multiple scenarios over varied terrain. The new center supports all manner of training and operations for all state and federal missions, including Camp Guernsey’s mission to facilitate realistic combat training for current and future American warfighters. The site layout adheres to UFC 4-010-01 Department of Defense Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings.


Lieutenant General Esmay was responsible for obtaining the appropriation for the establishment of the outstanding military training area at 怀俄明州的根西营. The General Instruction Building project includes design and construction of a specially designed, +110,000 square feet of new facilities that not only accommodate the daily operations of the WYMD 213th Regiment RTI but also serves the local community with mixed-use public spaces (160-seat auditorium, 教室空间, 等.). The project also includes design and construction of a new 400-person dining facility and a 110-bed, 两层兵营. The facilities celebrate the military history of Camp Guernsey with exterior features that consider the adjacent historic buildings on the cantonment and through the creation of both exterior and interior spaces that showcase military equipment and materials.


With plans for constructing state land and a design that meets all applicable local, 州和联邦建筑规范, 澳门足彩app and the 怀俄明 状态 Historic Preservation Office ensured that the integrity of the historic district, 根西军营区, 是维护. The exterior aesthetics of the three new buildings are compatible with the existing buildings on the Cantonment: Low-sloped and flat roofs (GIB) and sloped, 沥青瓦屋顶(DFAC和铺盖), 文化石单板基础墙板与浅棕色和褐色灰泥上面的颜色.

  • 72,166平方尺通用教学楼
  • 12,065平方英尺,400人用餐设施
  • 26524平方英尺,110个床位的兵营
  • 集会和大型礼堂空间
  • 教室/培训领域
  • 淋浴/更衣室
  • 体检室
  • 核武器库
  • 重要的通信基础设施
  • 办公室/行政区域
  • 反恐/武力保护
  • 设计为LEED®银级(v. 2009)可保证的
  • 民用设计鼓励使用低排放和节能的车辆
  • 泊车位供拼车车辆专用的车位
  • Storm water design that both reduces the quantity of water that leaves the site as well as improves the quality
  • 高效率的水管装置,使用水量比基线减少45%以上
  • High-performing mechanical equipment and use of materials with very good insulating properties
  • 材料含有至少10%的可回收成分
  • 尽可能在500英里范围内采购材料


Many thanks to the dedicated 澳门足彩app team for the respect they have consistently shown for not only the historic qualities of Camp Guernsey and the surrounding community, 而是为了反馈过程的完整性."


Many thanks to the dedicated 澳门足彩app team for the respect they have consistently shown for not only the historic qualities of Camp Guernsey and the surrounding community, 而是为了反馈过程的完整性."


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